27 July 2009


|currently listening to USA for Africa's We are the World|

we are the one

we are the children

we are the one who make a brighter day so lets start giving...

life isn't easy...

we do live in a small and dangerously place in the world

friend or foe, a matter of camouflage which exist around

obstacles, always there nearby

be watchout!

i know it's been the hardest time,

i know it's such a heavy burden for being someone to count on,

and i absolutely know that you can give the best for people next to you.

an anonymous once wrote,

it doesn't matter how slowly you are so long as you don't stop

no matter what people said,

no matter what will be happened next,

keep on moving on your right track!!

>> listening to Abdul and the coffee theory's Kucinta Kau Lebih dari yang Kemarin ^^

>> Keep the Good work!!! b(^0^)d


oik is waiting for her client, while sipping a cup of coffee (and missing her abun!).


17 July 2009


through the good times and bad times
He's just great
the way He designed my life
having such an incredible family,
loveable friends,
and a perfect wonderful gentleman standing next to me right now
nothing lasts forever
Thank God I found you, guys!
Thank you for the bday wishes!
All the best

love, oik is twenty-four-years-old

15 July 2009

to whom it may concern

they named her,
all i know
got to be tough on summerbreeze
beautiful between the autumn leaves
kindly warm on winter, and
spring time in laughter
i know it's been a hard time
counting days and years
not that simple
just faith in you
others will follow
there' s a secret, and
at the same time
magic happen.

*winter, spring, summer or fall all you've got to do is call*
and i'll be there yes i will
you've got a friend

oik is a thinker!! (hahaha..)
July, 15th 2009
-it's ashar time-

13 July 2009


kinda hurt when just heard the names
kinda sick when just saw the pics
being sceptical
yes, i am
jealousy are upon on me
am not that naive
you have no reason to doubt about me indeed
do not ever never asking me that simply stupid question actually
all you have to do just trust in me
and i will do the same thing like yours
fully support?
satisfied guarantee
no worries
hand in hand in harmony
that will be great

oik is galau.parau.kacau.
monday, July 13th 2009
|sleepy head ready on today's meeting|
ketika mentari tepat berada diuBUN2

06 July 2009


Fact and reality.
Adakalanya keduanya (: fact and reality) itu baik untuk diketahui bahkan didengar sekalipun, tapi adakalanya malah musibah dan masalah yang akan datang silih berganti. Entah kebaikan atau keburukan yang telah dilakukan selama yakin dan tahu benar dimana letak kesalahan tiap individu and responsible with all the consequences, am fine with that!

Tiba-tiba saja teringat akan beberapa mata kuliah yang sempat saya ikuti di bangku perkuliahan (^^). Yeah, these past few days actually... prose, literary criticism, and so on. Kemarin baru saja mengingat Enest Hemmingway dan ceritanya Hills Like White Elephants. Semalam tdak sengaja membahas tentang binary opposition... man vs woman, black vs white, strong vs weak, good vs bad. Well, that's life people... let's play the game! you will lead your way, 'cause you're the architect of your own life. not me, not them. it's you!

Fun and silly. Kalau saya mengingat kebodohan, kegilaan, kesalahan yang pernah saya lakukan sewaktu dulu. bahkan sampai sekarang sekalipun :). regretful? sometimes. we only human, right? pernah melakukan kesalahan. dan jangan terus menoleh kebelakang dengan segala kesalahan itu (pake spion saja..hehe), jadikan itu pelajaran, kenangan, jangan dihapus. it's a sweet memories, even you know the taste is bitter. Seperti halnya kopi, kopi itu rasanya pahit. Tetapi kopi akan terasa nikmat kalau saja takaran gula atau creamer passs. manis nya ada, pahitnya ada. jelas bedanya!

Noheartfeeling, yes?
bukan bermaksud menggurui, tapi ingin berkata-kata lewat tulisan saya. Saya pun bukan orang suci. banyak melakukan kesalahan. sampai saat ini. sampai detik ini. tetapi selalu berharap untuk menjadi orang yang lebih baik kedepannya. susah memang! tapi saya berusaha untuk mencapainya. dengan bantuan anda yang membaca ini juga tentunya (hehe..).

oyiek is twenty-three ready for her twenty-four.
Tue, 070709. [10.15]